Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I don't understand Americans fascination with celebrities. Paparazzi now seems like a viscous wolf pack who will stop at nothing to get a picture. Even at an event as unimportant as a "Bachelor Wedding", one of the paps was put into a headlock and carried out. Stories have been published about camera men who cause accidents trying to get the perfect shot. And the sad thing is that people eat it up! Standing in the aisle of the grocery store, you can find multiple gossip magazines and they are all filled with the "scoop".

There are things that are just plain ridiculous... The fact that Heidi Montag got TEN plastic surgeries in a day is sad. Charlie Sheen shopping in his pj's has no impact on my day. Andy Dick got thrown out of yet another establishment for being drunk? That is still news?? But when it comes to family matters, I really think that is a line that the media should not cross.

Tiger Woods was stupid. He is quite possibly the most recognizable and successful athlete in the world. He has his excuses and he has his shortfalls. But the facts are facts. He should have remained faithful. And now that it has been exposed that he slept around with multiple women, the media should leave it alone. Let him work it out with his wife in their own private settings. Stop interviewing the "other women". No one cares about the bartenders, call girls, or bikini models he supposedly slept with. Think about his 2 small children who are being affected by this whole ordeal. No matter how much the family will try to shelter them from this, the kids are going to know what happened as they grow up. And then people will wonder why the kids have issues, which will then make the gossip mags. It's a viscous cycle that revolves around the media. Elin can't even pick her kids up from preschool without the paps swarming!!!

Then there is the Sandra Bullock story. Everyone is making comments about how she is staying out of the public eye... GOOD FOR HER! Her husband is a dirtball and she is making sure that everything stays private. It's the way a classic relationship works. You don't air your dirty laundry!! I say good for you Sandra!

It seems like celebrities and athletes think they are in a world of their own. They can do what they want, when they want, and get away with it. It does not matter what is exposed, because it is going to get a lot of media attention, their wives will slink in the background, receive a large divorce settlement, and then the cheater is back on the market to do it again. Then they will get a slap on the wrist from their agent or team. What ever happened to strong marriages that were based on trust and loyalty? Obviously, foundations are not being laid to enforce what marriage is meant to be - a life long commitment.

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