Monday, July 27, 2009

The disturbing rise of obesity in the US

My body is not perfect. I won't be landing a Hawaiian Sun contract any time soon. But I make an effort to workout for at least 30 minutes 4-5 times a week so I can be healthy. I want to be a good role model for my kids. I want them to know that working out and setting goals are healthy for you both physically and mentally.

The fact that America is #9 out of 193 countries on the obesity chart is outrageous and disgusting! 74.1 % of Americans are considered overweight or obese. This is the land of opportunity, the country where anything is possible! Has this made Americans lazy? Is self esteem at an all time low? Don't people look in the mirror and say "WOW! I have let myself go!"? Even designers are starting to adapt to the obesity rage. Flowing, empire waist shirts and dresses look pretty..... they also hide the bulge! You have chubby legs? Throw on a long maxi dress! I recently read how stores are changing women's clothing sizes. If you wore a six a year ago, the same size is probably now tagged as a four. They are fudging the sizes so women feel better about themselves when shopping, hence spending more money.

It makes my stomach turn when I see kids who are already overweight before they even know how to make decisions regarding what to eat and how to exercise. Children who are obese have an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, orthopedic problems, liver disease, and asthma. We have the knowledge and resources to keep our bodies healthy, so why do parents shove fast food and junk down their family's throats? Now take a look out your front door. If we rewind 20 years, you would see kids riding their bikes, playing hopscotch, or running around during a friendly game of tag. I live in a neighborhood where every house has at least one kid, but the only kids I see running around are my own. Television, computers and video games rob children of time that should be spent building friendships and releasing energy out doors.

Our society is making it acceptable to be fat. Most people don't look twice at a woman who is 250 pounds or a man whose stomach is dragging 3 inches below his belt. Most likely, they are overweight themselves and probably thinking "Good thing I'm not that big". I think obesity is going to have a snowball effect and not only will our country have excessive medical problems, but we will also have a shorter life expectancy.

Losing weight does not have be a drastic life change. Little changes that you will barely notice can make a big difference. Talking with a woman from my gym this morning, she told me how she has lost 28 pounds in four months. She replaced one soda a day with a glass of water and one "junk food" snack with a piece of fruit and yogurt. She only works out 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes. My two tricks are to drink a glass of water when I feel hungry and if I know we are going to eat a high calorie meal, I eat an apple 30-60 minutes before. Also, set goals for yourself with a reward when you hit your goal on time. Whether you want to lose 10 pounds, or 100, these little changes can make a big difference in your life.

Americans can be successful, healthy and happy. Stop the excuses and start working on yourself!

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