Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mean doggy mommy?

Our house is full of love, happiness, and a lot of craziness! With a 4, 3 and 1 year old, we already have a puppy, Callie. She is 3 years old and knows that she is the protector of our house and Daddy's favorite pup. So when the opportunity arose to get a new puppy, I really had to list the pros and cons of how "puppy" would impact our home. There were the usual cons: potty training, waking up in the middle of the night, chewing of furniture & toys... But the pros seemed a lot better! The kids could really appreciate a new puppy - learning responsibilites such as feeding, training and playing with a new pet. I also thought it would be great to get the kids to keep their toys cleaned up so that the puppy wouldn't chew them. When it came to Callie, I had in mind that it would be great to get a new puppy while she was young so that it wouldn't put too much stress on her. I even had the idea that she would play with the puppy and show him the ropes. Well, we got the puppy. And everything is going like I imagined it would ... except that Callie loathes the puppy with every fiber of her body! He likes to pounce around her and try to play. She walks away and ignores him. He sure is a cute little fella but Callie has no time for him, my husband or myself. She only goes to Willie for comfort now and it's a sad feeling to have such a cute, happy little puppy only to know that Callie has some magor resentment!

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